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living buddha (喇嘛教的)活佛。

living death

Drawing lot from the golden urn in front of the statue of sakyamuni , founder of buddhism , in the jokhang monastery is the most open and most fair method to determine the reincarnated soul boy of the grand living buddhas . it embodies the buddha s compassion and pity , wisdom and holy judgement as well as the public dependence on the buddha 在大昭寺應供殊勝的釋迦牟尼像前,用金瓶掣簽認定大活佛的轉世靈童真身,既是最公開、最公平的辦法,又完全能體現佛祖的慈悲加持和智慧法斷,也符合第十世班禪大師生前的遺愿。

The butter sculptures , murals and appliques are known as its unique “ three wonders “ of art . in the lamasery there are 11 living buddha and 560 lamas in service there . special ceremonies take place on january 15th , april 15th , june 7th and november 23rd according to the lunar calendar 每年農歷正月十五四月十五六月初七九月二十三,分別舉行酥油花展曬大佛和跳神等宗教佛事活動,吸引著數以萬計的藏土蒙古漢等各族群眾前來朝拜,使寺院成為蜚聲中外的佛教圣地。

Headmaster xianbacairang represents the students in grade 1 class 2 and theirs guardians to thank for the canada gendeng sangbu buddhism give finiancial aid association . thank for their great charities to support educational careers and donate money for impoverished students . we want to wish living buddha gendeng sangbu healthy and everything of you goes wonderfully 先巴才讓校長謹代表本校高一(二)班52名全體同學及他們的家長,向加拿大更登桑布佛學協會支持教育事業,捐資扶危濟困之善舉,致以誠摯的謝意,并祝更登桑布活佛身體健康、扎西德樂!

N spiritual practice , if were sincere and our concepts are correct , even a wooden buddha statue will turn into a real buddha . if our spiritual cultivation is poor and our concepts are incorrect , however , even a living buddha will become like a wooden statue 我們修行如果誠心概念正確,連木頭佛也會變成真的佛我們如果修不好概念不正確,即使活佛也會變成像木頭一樣。

So , most of the people call an enlightened person a buddha . if he doesn t know beyond the second level , he would probably feel very proud about it . yes , thinking that he is a living buddha and his disciples would be very proud calling him buddha 所以多數人稱開悟的人為佛,如果他還沒超過第二界,可能會很驕慢,自認為是活佛,他的徒弟也會很驕傲地稱他為佛。

Though they are not real living buddhas , if we regard them as buddhas , then we ' d receive buddha ' s blessings , even if they are not real living buddhas . devotion is very important 雖然這一類的上師不是真正活著的佛,然而若我們對他們懷有虔敬心,視他們如佛,即使他們不是真正活著的佛,我們也能得到佛的加持。要知道虔敬心是非常重要的啊!

Headed by the living buddha gyamya , sutra teacher of the late 10th panchen , the search group was composed of living buddhas , kainbos and eminent monks of the tashilhungpo monastery , and people close to the late master 1989年8月,國務院批準了以第十世班禪大師經師嘉雅活佛為首,有扎寺活佛堪布、高僧及大師近侍人員參

When our concepts are correct , even a wooden buddha statue will turn into a real buddha , but when theyre not right , even if were in the company of a living buddha , it will be as though we were with an ordinary human 我們概念正確的時候,連木頭佛也會變成真的佛概念不正確,即使跟活佛在一起,也是像跟凡夫在一起一樣。

But since my vibration is not too intense , you don t feel that a living buddha is here . that s why some woman rolled her pants legs high and rested in an impolite way when she came here 不過,因為師父的磁場沒有那么強烈,不會讓人家感覺到真正的有活佛在這邊,所以你們來這里,有的女眾把長褲卷得很高,然后在那里休息。

Students receive instruction four times a day , sitting on a seat paved with sharp pebbles until he obtains the title of living buddha . there are many ranks to the title living buddha 密院注重苦修苦行,無論寒暑,每日均須上殿四次,在鋪以卵石的座位上席地而坐,赤足修煉,直至由顯入密修到成佛,冠以活佛之名。

When a living buddha returned for the purpose , he came back with his sutra teachers , a steward , family members and servants . they stayed in their birth place or original monastery for several months to a year 一個活佛回來,帶著經師、管家、親眷和侍從一大群,他們在原籍或原寺,居住少則數月,多則上年。

There is much more to be gained from the second level of consciousness . but when one reaches the second level , this is already fantastic , already a living buddha , because you have opened the buddhi , the intellect 在第二界還可以獲得非常多其它的能力。不論如何,達到第二界已經很了不起了,已經是活佛了。

If he doesn t know beyond the second level , he would probably feel very proud about it . yes , thinking that he is a living buddha and his disciples would be very proud calling him buddha 所以多數人稱開悟的人為佛,如果他還沒超過第二界,可能會很驕慢,自認為是活佛,他的徒弟也會很驕傲地稱他為佛。

A practitioner and an enlightened master or a living buddha , when he comes to this would , even though he eats , drinks , and plays , he does so just to benefit others 一位修行的人、一位明師、或是一位在世佛,他來這個世界,就算是吃喝玩樂,都是為了利益別人而已。

A practitioner and an enlightened master or a living buddha , when he comes to this would , even though he eats , drinks , and plays , he does so just to benefit others 一位修行的人一位明師或是一位在世佛,他來這個世界,就算是吃喝玩樂,都是為了利益別人而已。

But when one reaches the second level , this is already fantastic , already a living buddha , because you have opened the buddhi , the intellect 不論如何,達到第二界已經很了不起了,已經是活佛了。因為菩提的智慧已經打開,會知道很多無法形容的事。

No one could leave a living buddha forever without missing him , no matter how that buddha scolded him , because he knows this is the true love 沒有一個人可以永久離開一位在世佛,而能夠不想念他,不管那位佛罵他怎么樣,因為他知道那是真正的愛。

Laughter as long as her man pays attention to the other woman , doesn t matter if she s a living buddha , she hates . but then you have to overcome 如果她的先生注意別的女人,即使那是一位在世佛,她也照樣討厭,但你必須克服這點。

The other monks , believing that he had been the incarnation of the living buddha , gilded his body and referred to him as “ monk longevity “ 死后三年尸體不腐,眾和尚認為他是活佛轉世,遂將具肉身裝金供奉,稱其為“百歲公” 。